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·         Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Intelligent Longwall Technology Company is located in Zhengzhou aviation port Huaxia avenue and DongHai Road intersection intelligent mobile terminal industrial park, focusing on high-end shearers, intelligent longwall R&D and manufacturing, a mining equipment provider which is currently China's first with independent intellectual property rights, high degree of product standardization, power of shearer mining height and large coverage, adapt to the coal seam dip Angle is wide, main performance index and technical parameters of advanced, high degree of automation. The coal winning machine products has formed in ultrathin coal seam, thin coal seam and intermediate seam and thick seam, the extra-thick coal seam five standard specifications, products from 690 kw to 2985 kw power, mining height are broken range covering 1.0 m - 9.0 m of coal seam, the key technical index is close to or exceed the international advanced level, is the core units of ZMJ Group for implementing the Integrated mining equipment integration strategy.


Company Culture

企业愿景   以树立行业永久标杆为愿景
Our Vision Establishing the permanent good example in the industry
经营理念   聚焦顾客、工匠精神、与众不同、极客共赢
Operation Principle Focus on Customer, Craftsman Spirit, Making Difference and Geek Win-win
企业使命   专注于工匠精神,追求最佳品质
Our Mission Focus on Craftsman Spirit and Pursue Best Quality
企业目标   成为国际一流的采煤机供应商,长壁智能工作面服务商
Our Target Becoming the World First-class Shearer Supplier and the Intelligent Longwall Service Provider

  不忘初心、牢记使命,坚持高标准 创造新成
  科技郑煤机 智能郑煤机 品质郑煤机
  米其林再度展望概念轮胎 要适配无人驾驶汽

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